
8 Things We Are Actually Using to Keep Calm in January

8 Things We Are Actually Using to Keep Calm in January

As much as we all hoped 2023 would bring a time where Covid is behind us, we're very much still dealing with a global pandemic.

The burnout is real and we're FEELING IT!

We're living in a world where everyone is screaming at us to do more self-care and put ourselves first, it can be hard to not feel the pressure. But as many of us are working from home still, that grey area of what are “work hours” and what are “home hours” are still blurred making it even harder to sneak that time in.

So we reached out to the Bathorium team to find out what little bits of self care are bringing joy and keeping them sane this month.

Keep reading to see our team's tried-and-true self care picks!


CEO & Founder Greg

Being CEO is definitely not an easy job, so for Greg, getting to take time for himself, and unplugging is so important. Greg’s go-to self-care product is the Aesop oil burner. A handcrafted solid brass vessel made in Australia that allows you to diffuse essential oils in a much stronger way. Greg says: “I like to burn clary sage, rosemary and mandarin [...] It is far more potent than a diffuser that uses water and it looks beautiful...literally brings me joy just looking at it!”

Greg's Favourite Self-Care Pick Aesop's Brass Oil Burner

Fulfilment Coordinator Mathieu

Packaging orders is a lot of standing on your feet and managing a team of people is not an easy job. When it comes to relaxation and self-care Eczema Honey's Skin Soothing Cream is Matieu’s go-to product, especially in the winter when it’s really dry. “This helps me with my dry skin. I put this honey cream on that I keep in the freezer. The cooling effect this has on my sensitive skin gives me such relief before bedtime. Can’t live without it” says Mathieu.

Matieu's Favourite Self Care Product Skin Hydrating  Ecxema Honey

Marketing Coordinator Stephanie

As a mom working from home during lockdown with kids running around the house, Stephanie loves to take time for herself and discover products she can use during the workday. Stephanie says: “I’ve recently discovered the Saje Wellness Extra Strength Pain Relieving Remedy and to say I’m obsessed is an understatement! In Ontario we are in yet another lockdown - plus a round of virtual homeschool to contend with. A few swipes of this roller over my tension points immediately relaxes muscles and helps keeps those pesky headaches at bay.”

Stephanie's Self Care favourite Saje Extra Strength Pain Relieving Remedy

Marketing Coordinator Kesha

Diving right on into a new job position, Kesha loves to focus on the little things that make her day a little easier. As a lover of coffee, her go-to self-care product is the Joco 16oz re-useable coffee mug. “This mug gets me through those long, early and freezing cold mornings all while keeping me caffeinated and keeping the coffee hot”. 

Kesha's Self Care Product Pick Joco 16oz Re-Useable Coffee Mug


Private Label & Retail Sales Manager Annette

Working as our private label and retail sales manager, Annette loves to go home and throw on a mask. Her favourite mask is the Peter Thomas Roth, water drench hyaluronic cloud mask. She says it’s it soothes skin, while providing a lot of moisture to the skin all while not feeling icky. “It rescues my skin during these dry winter months”.

Annette's Self Care Product Pick Peter Thomas Roth's Water Drench Hyaluronic Cloud Face Mask


Key Account Manager Taya

Our new key account manager Taya has developed a love for a self-care product she can keep in her workspace. “I'm absolutely loving my Himalayan salt lamp that I keep on my desk. It is said to increase negative ions and balance the electro magnetic field created by electronics. I just love the calming soft light it produces. I feel immediately at peace”. Along with using her Himalayan salt lamp, Taya also loves snacking on these Energy Bits. “I love Energy bits spirulina and chlorella tablets. Algae is one of the most complete sources of nutrients. They are convenient to take anywhere because they are condensed into a tiny tablet. I use spirulina in the morning for energy and chlorella in the evening for recovery.”

Taya's Self Care Product Pick Pink Himalayan Salt Lamp


Taya's Self Care Product Pick EnergyBits Spirulina and Cholera Bits

Office Administrator Nathalie

Spending all day working at a desk isn’t easy for anyone. For Nathalie, self-care and relaxation time is the perfect time for her to unwind and call it a day. Nathalie loves to use an essential oil diffuser on with a recipe she found online. The recipe mixes: grapefruit, lemon, peppermint, rosemary and orange oils. She says it “sends me back to the beach, my happy place!” Nathalie also makes time during her busy work week to go for a walk and listen to a podcast. Some of her favourite’s are: No Stupid Questions, Pushkin Cautionary Tales and The Science of Happiness

Hope you've found some inspiration to make your days a little bit brighter! Remember to take taking a few moments for yourself every day. You deserve it - honey you’re killing it! 

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